Ja fa uns dies, el dia 8 d’aquest mes, David Bowie va penjar a la seva web una nova cançó després d’una dècada de silenci: “Where Are We Now”. Ens la va donar a conèixer el dia del seu 66è aniversari i va anunciar que formarà part del seu nou disc, que es publicarà d’aquí un parell de mesos, l’11 de març per ser més exactes, amb el títol The Next Day. El disc, produït per Tony Visconti (que ha treballat en àlbums anteriors de Bowie), tindrà una durada d’aproximadament una hora i inclourà 14 temes, tot i així, la versió de luxe n’inclourà tres més: "So She", "I'll Take You There" i "Plan".
Ja tinc ganes de sentir com sonarà ja que una de les meves cançons preferides es la famosa “Life on Mars”, també de Bowie.
For some days, on 8th January, David Bowie posted on its website a new song after a decade of silence: "Where Are We Now". It was released the day of his 66th birthday. He announced this song is part of his new album, which is to be released within a few months, on March 11 to be exact, with the title The Next Day. The album, produced by Tony Visconti (who has worked on previous albums by Bowie) has a duration of approximately one hour and includes 14 tracks, however, the deluxe version includes more three tracks: "So She", "I'll Take You There", and "Plan".
I cannot wait to hear how it sounds because one of my favourite tracks is the famous "Life on Mars" also by Bowie.
Photo: deathandtaxesmag
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